Workers prepare to lift the sunken Sewol ferry, center, in waters off Jindo, South Korea, March 23, 2017. The 6,800-ton South Korean ferry emerged from the water on Thursday, nearly three years after it capsized and sank into violent seas off the country’s southwestern coast, an emotional moment for the country that continues to search for closure to one of its deadliest disasters ever. (Photo: Park Gyung-woo/Hankookilbo/AP)
Workers prepare to lift the sunken Sewol ferry, center, in waters off Jindo, South Korea, March 23, 2017. The 6,800-ton South Korean ferry emerged from the water on Thursday, nearly three years after it capsized and sank into violent seas off the country’s southwestern coast, an emotional moment for the country that continues to search for closure to one of its deadliest disasters ever. (Photo: Park Gyung-woo/Hankookilbo/AP)
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