A replica of the Statue of Liberty is decorated with a t-shirt reading “Present” in Paris, March 23, 2017. French environmentalist Nicolas Hulot and Emmaus France director Thierry Kuhn launched an appeal called ‘Present’ to launch a solidarity movement with some 80 NGOs and associations just one month before the first round of the presidential election and to push the Presidential candidates for more solidarity in their campaign program. (Photo: Francois Mori/AP)
A replica of the Statue of Liberty is decorated with a t-shirt reading “Present” in Paris, March 23, 2017. French environmentalist Nicolas Hulot and Emmaus France director Thierry Kuhn launched an appeal called ‘Present’ to launch a solidarity movement with some 80 NGOs and associations just one month before the first round of the presidential election and to push the Presidential candidates for more solidarity in their campaign program. (Photo: Francois Mori/AP)
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