A participant balances on a slackline over the former quarry, near village of Srbsko, Czech Republic, March 25, 2017. About 50 participants from Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland took part in spring highline season opening. Highlining is a style of slacklining, where the two anchor points are set up with significant elevation from the ground or water, between two crags or trees for example. (Photo: Martin Divisek/EPA)
A participant balances on a slackline over the former quarry, near village of Srbsko, Czech Republic, March 25, 2017. About 50 participants from Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland took part in spring highline season opening. Highlining is a style of slacklining, where the two anchor points are set up with significant elevation from the ground or water, between two crags or trees for example. (Photo: Martin Divisek/EPA)
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